Japanese Leadership in Combatting Chinese Organ Transplant Abuse (70689)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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The G7 is meeting in Hiroshima on May 19 to 21, 2023. Japan is the president of the G7 for 2023. A Government of Japan Concept Paper sets out as a priority for the Japan G7 Presidency to "continue strengthening the global health architecture". Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has explained that Japan presidency's would focus on boosting multilateral cooperation to drive, amongst other matters, public health. The focus of this paper would be what Japan could do during the remaining term of its presidency and beyond to advance its goals of strengthening the global health architecture and boosting multilateral cooperation to drive public health. The paper would address one particular aspect of public health - international organ trafficking. Compelling evidence has established that Chinese official institutions on an industrial scale kill prisoners of conscience, primarily practitioners of the spiritually based set of exercises Falun Gong, also Uyghurs in large numbers, Tibetans and House Christians, primarily Eastern Lightning, in smaller numbers, for their organs. The organs are sold to transplant tourists and wealthy or well-connected Chinese. The problem of international organ transplant abuse, though global, has a unique Asian dimension, since the primary source of that abuse has been China. The solution is also potentially Asian. Because of its G7 presidency, Japan holds a unique position of potentially leading in developing solutions to this global health problem. The paper would examine what that leadership could be.

David Matas, University of Manitoba, Canada

About the Presenter(s)
David Matas is an immigration, refugee and international human rights lawyer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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