Between West and East: Japanese Mangas as World Literature (70766)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
The following essay proposes intertextuality in Japanese mangas as a bridge between Europe and Asia, it proposes the relationship betwixt texts as an overpass between dichotomies and socio political space borders. In this sense and in virtue of focusing on interculturality and displaying a state of the matter as broad as possible, the following work seeks to part ways from the prevailing Eurocentrism in the academic field and to mention, both bibliographic sources and works and text fragments, from various countries and languages and cultivated by different authors (male and female). Hence, the intention of Between West and East: japanese mangas as World Literature will be to show different examples of intertextuality present in mangas, recognizing this literary device as both a literary strategy and a path towards the understanding between cultures.
Alexandra Goitia, Illinois State University, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Alexandra Goitia is a University Postgraduate Student at Illinois State University in United States
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