Gonpachi Nishi-Azabu, also known as "the Kill Bill restaurant," has been chosen as the conference dinner location for The 13th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2023). An iconic destination for foodies and movie enthusiasts visiting Tokyo, the restaurant was the inspiration for an iconic scene in "Kill Bill" directed by Quentin Tarantino. Located in the trendy Nishi-Azabu neighborhood, this unique restaurant boasts an impressive array of traditional Japanese dishes, as well as a stylish and modern atmosphere.
One of the highlights of Gonpachi Nishi Azabu is its extensive menu, which features sushi, sashimi (thinly sliced raw fish), tempura (seafood, meat, or vegetables that have been coated in a light batter and deep-fried), and grilled meat. The restaurant's chefs are experts at preparing these dishes to perfection, using only the freshest and highest-quality ingredients. Whether you're in the mood for something light and refreshing or something hearty and filling, Gonpachi Nishi-Azabu has something to suit every taste.
In addition to its delicious food, Gonpachi Nishi-Azabu is also known for its stunning design. The restaurant features a spacious, open-air dining area, complete with a traditional Japanese garden and a beautiful koi pond. The decor is a blend of modern and traditional elements, with sleek wood and stone finishes and elegant lighting fixtures. The overall atmosphere is both relaxing and upscale, making it the perfect location for a conference dinner. The restaurant's interior was also the inspiration for the famous scene in "Kill Bill" where the main character, Beatrix Kiddo, played by Uma Thurman, fights against the Crazy 88. This adds an extra layer of excitement for fans of the movie, as they can dine in the same location where the iconic scene was filmed.
Another great feature of Gonpachi Nishi-Azabu is its location. The restaurant is situated in the heart of Nishi-Azabu, one of Tokyo's most fashionable neighborhoods, known for its upscale and trendy atmosphere. The area is home to a wide variety of shops, bars, and restaurants, making it the ideal spot for conference delegates to explore after dinner.
Gonpachi Nishi-Azabu offers a unique dining experience with excellent Japanese cuisine, stunning design, and a perfect location in the heart of one of Tokyo's most fashionable neighborhoods. The delicious food and the beautiful atmosphere are sure to impress, and fans of the movie "Kill Bill" will undoubtedly be excited to dine in the same location where the iconic scene was filmed.