The Architectural Art of the City of Oran in Algeria, Between the Arab and Spanish, Period 18th Century (70299)
Friday, 19 May 2023 15:00
Session: Poster
Room: Room 701
Presentation Type:Poster Presentation
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The old city of Oran in Algeria, of Arab-Andalusian creation in 902, underwent several modifications of architectural, artistic, constructive and structural styles, consequence of the various changes of occupations and consequently urban that touched the city of Oran, and on the other hand, the damage to the building during the earthquake of 1790, were not taken into consideration and rare are the buildings which could benefit from a possible restoration. The following analysis will be based essentially on a comparative study of the old town of Oran before and after the earthquake of 1790. This key date accelerated the final departure of the Spaniards from Oran in 1792, also following the battle led by the Bey Mohamed ELkebir against them. Prospecting in situ on the old buildings was not easy because of this ambiguity, since it is a question of carrying out a judicious classification of all the constructions dating from before the earthquake, to distinguish them from those built after the earthquake. Spanish era of 1792; it should be noted that even the constructions having resisted the earthquake underwent modifications, moreover, which made the study more complicated, was the absence of archives such as plans of the various statements specific to the old city and the forts and neighboring castles. This study focuses on an analysis on an urban scale, and is based on testimonies, descriptions and studies made and quoted in works by researchers dating back to Spanish times, as well as plans of the old nucleus.
Amira Zatir, Ecole Polytechniques d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme, Algeria
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Amira ZATIR , research professor in earthquake-resistant architecture, and cultural heritage. obtained her Ph.D. on local seismic culture, continuing to initiate investigations on local techniques seismic-resistant, in the architectural heritage.
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